Team Specialised in Public Law
PGS Law Firm’s Department of Public Law assures specialised legal advisory services in the different areas of Public Law, especially in the context of Administrative Law, Public Contracting Law, Urban Planning Law, Territorial Planning Law, Environmental Law and Civil Service Law.
Main areas
The legal advisory services provided by PGS in the context of Public Law include the following:
- legal advisory services in the areas of Urban Planning and Territorial Planning, including matters linked to the obtaining of licenses, authorisations and administrative approvals for urban operations, such as construction, urbanisation, parcelling of sites or installation of industrial, commercial, tourist, restaurant and bar establishments, as well as the preparation, contracting, interpretation and implementation of municipal documents on territorial planning;
- legal advisory services in the area of Environmental Law, including the interpretation and application of national and Community standards, including in matters related to environmental responsibility, the implementation of legal environmental audits and risk analyses, the conduct of administrative procedures relative to environmental licensing and procedures of factionary character, such as the judicial impugnation of protective orders, fines and accessory sanctions connected to environmental matters;
- legal advisory services in the area of General Administrative Law, including legal issues connected to the organisation and functioning of Public Administration in general and Local Government Administration in particular (local government and municipal enterprises) relative to the mission, functions and attributes of the different services and bodies included in them, including institutional and inter-organic relational aspects, particularly the preparation of legislative diplomas and municipal regulations;
- legal advisory services in the area of issues connected to the penal and civil liability of the State and other public entities, as well as of its bodies, agents and employees, including the payment of compensation for damage and the effective payment of compensation in the context of cases of expropriation due to public utility and the constitution of administrative easements and restrictions of public utility;
- legal advisory services in the area of the Civil Service and work contracts in the public administration namely, transfers, service commissions, requisitions, deployments, remunerations, supplements, allowances, category progression, career promotion, retirement, accumulation of functions and the exercise of disciplinary action;
- in general, the issue of expert opinions and information, preparation of drafts and contracts, as well as litigation and forensic advocacy in the context of administrative procedures and legal action.
Areas of Expertise
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Email: geral@pgls-lawyers.com
Mon to Fri: 9AM to 5PM
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